Artikoloj de la rubriko language corner

Participles in Esperanto: The Basics
Participles are used constantly in Esperanto, formed by adding one of several endings to a verb.
About the suffix -ist- and the words for people in occupations and professions
Every -ist- is an isto, but not every isto has an -ist-!
About “el” and “de”
English speakers sometimes experience challenges deciding when to use “el” and “de”, because both can often be translated with the word “of”.
atendi, ĉeesti, partopreni, viziti, prizorgi, and atenti
Atendi is a “false friend” for English speakers learning Esperanto.
The “false friends” praktiki and ekzerci
One means “to practice a profession”; the other “to practice a skill in order to get better at it”.
All about -um
The suffix -um broadens or gives a different meaning to the root.
Words that end in -aŭ
-aŭ isn’t a suffix. You can’t add it to a root to create a new word.
A brief language lesson about ambaŭ
The word ambaŭ functions as a pronoun and an adjective.
A brief grammar lesson about ankaŭ
In Esperanto, the word ankaŭ generally goes before the word it modifies.
Using “ol” with the accusative
In the sentence “Oni ne povas vidi ion pli malgrandan ol sablero”, why doesn’t “sablero” need the accusative ending -n?
Saying “Thank You”
How do you say, “Thank you for accepting me?”